gm and welcome to the latest Mero community update!
Mero Pools
Mero TVL is now at $1.27m
Current yields 👨🌾
meroUSDC: 5.33%
meroDAI: 5.13%
meroUDST: 5.08%
meroETH: 2.71%
meroFRAX: 1.29%
Health check
Mero strategy health checks are now being posted weekly in the #🏥︱health-checks channel on Discord. Here’s a compilation of each pool’s health check for this week.
What’s next
In the last community update we shared that Mero will soon be launching on Polygon. Since then we have continued to internally test the deployment and will soon be expanding testing to contributors. Be on the lookout for updates on Discord.
Want to become a community contributor? Join our Discord! The Mero protocol is centered around a growing community that is open to community contributions. If you don’t want to contribute, you can always just stop in and say hi! 😀